Survive the 21 Day Fix with Thyroid Disease!

If you suffer from Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s and/or adrenal fatigue, chances are you get pretty exhausted even after a 30 minute workout. You are not alone and it’s no reflection of your fitness level. People who are battling thyroid issues need to listen to their body when it comes to feeling low energy, tired etc. I’ve…

The Socially Savvy Introvert®

Something many people don’t know about me is that I’m a huge introvert. I was labeled “stuck up” when I was younger because I literally did not stop in the hallways to talk to people. I was quiet – VERY quiet. Many people who know me now just don’t believe this to be the case!…

Chalene Johnson’s Favorite Dressings

For all you Chalene Johnson fans out there, you need to be watching her husband’s Periscope cooking videos! You get a glimpse into the way she eats and is able to maintain her health and rocking body over the age of 40!! Catch him on Periscope – Bret Johnson, the #hangrychef aka bretjohnson11. Here’s what…

Probiotics & Digestive Issues

TUMMY TROUBLE??? Do you have tummy trouble aka digestive issues? Bloating, gas, rumbling, pain or a frequent upset stomach to name a few. A day doesn’t go by that I’m not seeing posts in my newsfeed or talking to clients about certain foods that “don’t agree with them”. You might think I would tell these…

4th of July Patriotic TREATS!

I’m prepping some fun and patriotic treats for my family!!! We’ve got an incredible DAIRY FREE FOURTH that’s just beyond decadent – made with Chocolate, Bananas and Peanut Butter!! Can I get a “hell yeah”??? Recipe below! Chocolate and peanut butter ice cream that’s good for you? Believe it. This is the ice cream you’ve been…

Flexible Dieting Guide with Proper Portions

The word DIET is a four letter word in my book. We’ve seen it all, the “Paleo” Diet, the “Grapefruit” Diet, the “Mediterranean” Diet etc. etc. What’s one common thread among very single one of those “DIETS”???? Think about it…got your answer?? Ready?? The common thread woven throughout any DIE-T is this – people consuming…

Southwest Tex-Mex Egg Cups

Southwestern Egg Cups Eggs are the fuel and jalapeños are the fire in this egg cup recipe. Throw in some black beans and cheddar cheese and you have one flavorful breakfast. Total Time: 35 min. Prep Time: 15 min. Cooking Time: 20 min. Yield: Makes 6 servings, 2 egg cups each Ingredients: Nonstick cooking spray ½ cup unsweetened almond…

Oatmeal Cookies with Chocolate Chunks

Practice the most balanced approach to optimal health and fitness with flexible dieting. These cookies fit right into your plan and are integrated in my Portion Fix Flexible Dieting program. Ingredients: Nonstick cooking spray 1 cup old fashion rolled oats 1 tsp. ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp. sea salt or himalayan salt 1 cup unsweetened applesauce…

Rejection Leads to Opportunity!

When one door closes, another one always opens. I remember a few years ago when I had applied for what I thought would be the perfect job for me at the allegedly “perfect” gym. I wasn’t chosen, I didn’t get the job and I was left feeling like a complete and total failure. I felt…

S’mores Superfood Shake

S’mores are a classic summertime treat and with summer just around the corner, I created this Shakeology recipe that captures the season’s iconic flavor. If you are a COFFEE lover, there’s a coffee version and a caffeine-free version, depending on your preference. Try either today and tell me your favorite summertime food in the comments!…

Beachbody Performance Line

I’ve tried dozens of pre-workout drinks, recovery drinks etc. and am always disappointed in the results along with the plethora of food colorings, chemicals and over-abundance of stimulants in these products. If you’re like me and you’ve cycled your way through these neon colored, toxic-looking concoctions, it’s time to PARTY because we now have a…

HEALTHY Cookie Dough Dip!

Guess what I’m whipping up in my kitchen today? Chickpea Cookie Dough Dip! This dip is high in protein, gluten-free, and it can even be sugar-free!  Healthy Cookie Dough Dip 1 can garbanzo beans (chickpeas) or white beans, drained and rinsed very well 1/8 tsp Himalayan salt just over 1/8 tsp baking soda 2.5 tsp pure…

Micronutrient Monday!

Today’s Micronutrient Monday focus is the Yacon Root. What the heck is it you ask? It looks kind of like a sweet potato, but has many hidden talents that come alive inside your body! It BANISHES bad digestions, regulates regularity and activates absorption of nutrients. It’s a powerful antioxidant, and studies show that yacon may help support…

Chocolate Covered Banana Bombs

I recently discovered FlapJacked Protein pancake mix and have been sharing their products with all of my health-conscious “Fit-foodie” friends. This recipe uses their Banana Hazelnut mix which is a blend of Whole Oat Flour, Buttermilk, Whey Protein Isolate, Banana, Hazelnut Flour, Baking Soda, Baking Powder, Salt and Xanthan Gum. “This protein pancake is loaded with potassium and fiber. Hazelnut meal…

Blueberry Muffins That Don’t Count As a CHEAT Meal!

These blueberry muffins taste—and smell like Grandma made them! Once you put these in the oven, don’t be surprised if everyone comes running to the kitchen. Go ahead a put some REAL Butter on top and let it ooze down the sides….. Total Time: 24 min. Prep Time: 10 min. Cooking Time: 14 min. Yield: 15 servings, 1 muffin…


This is a great read… what is holding you back from losing weight? Are you a busy mom, working a full time job, trying to support your family, be a good wife and be a good mom? Are you getting your ME time in? Even if its for 30 min a day, EVERYONE, men and…

Andrea’s April Ab Challenge!

This 30 day challenge is designed to strengthen your entire core with a focus on your abs! Getting a 6 pack is a three-step approach. Step one – clean up your diet. Clear your house of temptations such as sugars, processed food and simple carbs. If you need meal plan or meal replacement guidance, send…

Tuesday TIP! One Move Workout!

In this move of the week, Autumn demonstrates proper technique for a squat deadlift row. She breaks down this rather complicated exercise into three simple movements to make sure your form is correct. She also explains how to turn this single move into a high-intensity workout. I’ll be running this circuit this afternoon! Stye tuned for feedback! Who’s in with me???

Micronutrients vs. Macronutrients

Do you count calories? Are you familiar with macros vs. micros in your foods? Macronutrients are basically “Food 101”: protein, fat and carbohydrates. The Basics. The numbers that the average person will look at when determining whether or not they choose to eat whatever it might be. Some of us count macros but we choose…

Take Your Life Back Thursday!

This is how we do!! My clients are THESE women! They learn to be empowered and how to LIVE life without sitting on the sidelines. They are not held down by body image disorders, they are not quitters, they are STRONG and they learn how to eat for goals and without DIETING!! I can help…

My NEW Pre-Workout Drink!!

Imagine you’re a car – you’re running on fumes and you get to the big E for EMPTY!! You’re stuck. You no longer have fuel to run. The same scenario happens with your body if you aren’t getting the proper nutrition. Most people focus on post-workout nutrition but forego the very important pre-workout nutrition that…

Banana Hazelnut Protein Pancakes

Banana Hazelnut Protein Pancakes with Coconut Vanilla Shakeology Glaze Sunday Funday is always meal prep time in our house and also a day that we will enjoy something other than eggs, spinach or oatmeal for Breakfast. Today called for something that was a little indulgent but not off our Flexible Diet! What happens when you…

Quest Bars or PB2 on the 21 Day Fix???

1. PB-2 aka powdered peanut butter with the fat removed. Pros- less calories than regular peanut butter. However it does count as one of your teaspoons. You can use a little more since their are fewer calories but I prefer the real version of full fat Almond Butter! Fat keeps you fuller, longer and the…

Summer Body PREP!!

We are OFFICIALLY on a countdown to warmer weather, shorter shorts, sleeveless tops. backless dresses and beach attire! If I asked you right now, to GO put on your BATHING SUIT and take a picture – what would the image staring back at you reflect? Would it be an example of a healthy nutrition plan…

Andrea’s Asian Turkey Lettuce Wraps

In need of a fast, high flavor dish that your whole family will enjoy? This is a constant at our house. Feel free to switch it up to suit your taste! Andrea’s Turkey Lettuce Wraps Ingredients: 1 package extra lean ground turkey 1 package mushrooms, chopped (I use Organic White Beech Mushrooms or Shiitakes) 1⁄2…

Let’s talk Superfoods! All hype?

I don’t know about you, but I really care about what I put into my body. If I see a label full of chemical concoctions that I can’t even pronounce I put it right back on the shelf where it belongs. “Chemicals in our food today, (which are all “A OKAY” with the FDA) are,…

FlapJacked Protein Waffles!

Sunday is the one day of the week where we like to mix-up our breakfast routine. This week we were thrilled to try our new FlapJacked Buttermilk Protein pancake mix! We decided that we wanted waffles instead of pancakes so we made few changes. We made the regular batter recipe (doubled as this was for…

What’s In Your 21 Day Fix Extreme Kit?

Here’s a quick look into the containers and what they are for! I’ve also covered how you will calculate your calories per day and how many containers you’ll be eating per day!

Pasta Transformation! Zucchini Spaghetti with Basil Pesto

Love pasta? Love noodles? Trying to cut the carbs? Get ready, I’m going to change your life! Well, not literally but maybe just a little in the food department! My new kitchen toy is Sur La Table’s Vegetable and Fruit Spiral Slicer. You can use this with Zucchini, Carrots, Beets, Radishes, Potatoes, Bell Peppers, Onions, Apples…

Chicken Breast with Sautéed Mushrooms

Mushroom lovers, this is for you! These mushrooms sautéed with garlic and sherry vinegar are incredibly flavorful, you’ll want to put them on everything. (Leftovers taste great in an omelette!) Total Time: 48 min. Prep Time: 10 min. Cooking Time: 38 min. Yield: 4 servings Ingredients: 1½ tsp. olive oil, divided use 4 (4-oz.) raw chicken breasts, boneless, skinless 4 medium…

What’s All the Hype Behind this Super Foods Shake?

If Shakeology is the healthiest meal of the day, why is it so expensive? At just over $4 per serving, Shakeology is an incredible value. Each serving packs up to 17g of protein per serving along with whole-food nutrition from some of the most nutrient-dense superfoods on the planet. This combination of amino acids, vitamins, minerals,…

Air Popped Popcorn with Coconut Oil #21DFX

21 Day Fix Snack HACK! There’s no point in even trying to hide the fact that I love popcorn! It’s a snack I got addicted to when I was in college. Every afternoon I’d make a bag of microwave popcorn (GASP)!! Now I know better and choose to make my own with Organic non-gmo kernels…

Cauliflower Mock Mashed Potatoes

I’ve been following a Macro based meal plan since January and am always on the hunt for lower carb options of foods that I love – like Mashed Potatoes! I made these last night and my husband couldn’t get enough! He was amazed at how rich and cream and just how much this tasted like…

People Pleaser??? STOP!!

Thought for the day! Are you a people pleaser? Do you care too much about what other people think of you? WHY?? Try to let go of that mentality. It will cause you nothing but stress and anguish. You can never please everybody. You have to do what makes you happy, what floats your boat,…

LIVE Demo of Beachbody on Demand!

Here’s a super short tutorial on how to use Beachbody on Demand. Simply go to your Team Beachbody page and you’ll see the Beachbody Club Menu at the top left!  After you click the menu, follow these tips! If you don’t have the Beachbody CLUB membership – follow THIS LINK to get started! Leave your questions…

My Advice for Fitness Instructors and Trainers

I see these people quite frequently. You know the type – the instructor that attends every single training, certification etc. and talks about them incessantly – always looking for that pat-on-the-back, that compliment, etc. I believe in specializing. Taking on a couple of things and devoting your time and energy into those things and being…

Save your FACE! Sun kissed glow with NEW Bronzers!

We all love the Oompah Loompahs but let’s face it, not one of us wants to look like one! Over the counter self tanners don’t work, they stink and they can leave you ORANGE!! I’ve seen some pretty bad spray tans and cheap Bronzers do the same thing. Classy ladies know the secret and they…

NEW!! Club & Shakeology Challenge Pack!!

NEW CLUB & SHAKEOLOGY® CHALLENGE PACK With this Challenge Pack, you have access to an assortment of our most popular fitness programs (everything in the Member Library)!!! Here’s what’s included: A 90-day Premium membership to the Team Beachbody Club with Beachbody On Demand. (After 90 days, you will be charged the quarterly Club membership price). 30-day…

Beachbody on DEMAND FAQ’s

You’ve heard the buzz and you want to check it out but FIRST you want the 411! Look now further – it’s all RIGHT HERE ORDER NOW! What is Beachbody On Demand? It’s Beachbody’s digital service that lets Team Beachbody Club members stream workouts directly to a desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile device, wherever you…

Fresh Fruit with Coconut Cream! #21DFX approved!

This is an awesome snack or dessert option! To make the coconut whipped cream: One can of full-fat Coconut Milk or Coconut Cream Blueberries, Strawberries and/or Raspberries Place the can upside down in the fridge, unopened for 1-2 days. Turn the can over and open, scoop out all of the “hard cream” and place in…

GREAT GLUTES with Sumo Deadlifts!

This is one of my favorite exercises to build glute and hamstrings with very minimal quadricep activation. Don’t be afraid to go HEAVY on these but be sure you keep an eye on range of motion. Set yourself up in a wide, sumo stance, toes turned out about 45 degrees. Keep your core braced tight…

#TipTuesday! Train your abs with a SKATEBOARD??

Yes, you read that right! Grab your kid’s or your husband’s or even your old skateboard from the garage and incorporate these simple moves into your workout routine. To train your abdominals: Place your hands directly under your shoulders. Place your knees or toes on the skateboard Fully extend your legs until you are in…

5 Ways Water Can Help You Get Your Dream Body!

There might be snow on the ground, but Summer is right around the corner (especially if you live in the South). When the temperature rises, so does the need to drink more water. Besides the fact that water is necessary to keep you from dying from dehydration, water also does so many amazingly good things…

Beachbody is going DIGITAL!

To quote the Pointer Sisters, “I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it!” What’s all the excitement about? Starting in March, you will be able to stream a catalog of our programs as part of your Team Beachbody® Club memberships. Beachbody On Demand is huge news, and we are doing it right, starting with a…