Operation Skinny Jeans!


Admit it, you love it when the calendar says “Fall”!! You want to bring your your sweaters, boots, scarves, and those skinny jeans! Every year we start working on our “summer bodies”, but then October arrives and we start to dream of Pumpkin Spiced ERRRTTHING!!! Face it, the temptations are everywhere and one by one they add up and we try to hide behind our bulky sweaters and chunky scarves (right)?

But why do that? Why put on holiday weight to just stress about it after the holidays with a New Year’s Resolution? Let’s do the opposite this year! We are going to be one strong team that reverses this trend and shows up to Thanksgiving in Skinny Jeans – not leggings and BIG sweaters!

Get in on my 30 day Operation Skinny Jeans Challenge! In this private & exclusive online challenge group I will be providing you with the secrets to success. You will have accountability, support, meal plans, recipes, and other goodies to ensure you have the best success that you can. I will be supporting you on your journey as you get back into those skinny jeans!

Fill out the form below – it’s that simple! I’m taking applicants from October 17th – October 23rd! Share with a friend who you’d love to have alongside this 30 day journey!

[wufoo username=”andreasadvice” formhash=”zbj7bsp1s9fdzr” autoresize=”true” height=”1162″ header=”show” ssl=”true”]

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