Ladies – you gotta LIFT!!
Trust me – you won’t get big and bulky & turn into a she-RA!! You will become strong, confidant, sleek and have a HOT body!!
Symptoms of ladies who LIFT:
1️⃣They burn more body fat with a faster metabolism.
2️⃣They have stronger bones, and reduce their risk of osteoporosis.
3️⃣They burn more calories than cardio bunnies.
4️⃣They have higher self esteem, and feel empowered.
5️⃣They reduce the risk of heart disease.
6️⃣They become stronger, and have better endurance.
7️⃣They reduce risk of injury in other areas of life.
8️⃣They are filled with energy.
9️⃣They lose inches.
🔟They are happier, and feel more confident!
Message me if you want suggestions on in-home lifting workouts!